
My Credentials

Here are detailed information about my credentials and my current and past work experience.

Work Experience

Data Scientist

Jan 2020-present


I ventured into the dimension of Data Science shortly after starting my national youth Service. I've used alot of online resources and hands on projects to be the Data scientist/Analyst/backend developer i am today. Some of the resources are:, Hamoye Ai, W3schools, Youtube videos, Udemy Courses etc.

Data Scientist

2021 - 2022

MavenCode, Texas, USA

Built and deployed predictive models. Worked with infrastructure as a code software tools like Terraform. Worked closely with the business to identify issues and used data to propose solutions for effective decision making.

Hamoye Data Intern

June 2020 - Dec 2020

Hamoye AI

Six months on a rigorous, fast paced and project based internship to improve on existing skills and learn more. Created data visualization graphics, translating complex data sets into comprehensive visual representations. Worked on several open-source projects. Applied statistical and algebraic techniques to interpret key points from gathered data. Used machine learning algorithms to analyze and solve complex business problems. view certificate


June 2019 - May 2020


Gathered, organized and modeled data to assist management in making key decisions. Tracked and analyzed reports to determine needed improvements. Generated reports of findings to help management with making key decisions.


Bachelor Degree

September 2013-October 2018

University of Benin.

Bachelor in Engineering (B.Eng) Petroleum Engineering.

Introduction to Python for Machine Learning

August 2021

You can view the certificate here. I learnt about the integral basics of Python

Machine Learning: Regression - Predicting Energy Efficiency of Buildings

September 2021

In this course, i developed a multivariate multiple regression model to study the effect of eight input variables on two output variables, which are the heating load and the cooling load, of residential buildings. click to view certificate

Machine Learning: Classification - Managing the Quality Metric of Global Ecological Footprint

October 2021

In this course, i used the data to classify and predict the quality metrics (qascore) of the ecological footprint data for the different countries. This data includes total and per capita national biocapacity, the ecological footprint of consumption, the ecological footprint of production and total area in hectares. click to view certificate

Neural Networks, Image Recognition and Object Detection - The Amazon Deforestation from Space

October 2021

In this course, I explored the building blocks of neural networks, which are versatile, powerful, and scalable. I learnt how to use them to tackle complex problems like the use of convolutional neural networks for image recognition. click to view certificate

Practical Time Series Analysis - Forecasting Individual Household Electric Power Consumption

November 2021

In this course, I explored and built time series forecasting models for measurements of electric power consumption in one household with a one-minute sampling rate over a period of almost 4 years. click to view certificate